Mar 25, 2023Liked by Steve Branson

Thank You Steve! You share so much kindness to our group!

Sometimes I am a bit shy to ask questions because there is so much knowledge in the group. This and your prophecy timeline is so helpful!

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I love that Kim! Thank you so much for the encouragement. You made me feel great! I can't take credit because I just do it for myself anyway, and it's meant to share. And those question, please don't let anything stop you from asking. To be honest, I've been so blessed from the folks who do ask questions that have helped me learn. And I'm happy you found these helpful. Even if there may be some things in there that I may change my view about sometime as I learn more, I still find it helpful. Thank you again!

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Apr 8·edited Apr 8Liked by Steve Branson

Hi Steve, I'm trying to reach you to let you know that I responded to your comment on endtimes.com re: mental health issues. I hope you can find my comments and that I will hear from you.

I prefer not to repeat them and I don't know how to copy them. I am technically illiterate 😊. It took me a while to figure out how to find you here, which took so long to respond.

You may email me if you like.

Thanks! And also for your comments which means the world to me ❤️


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Hi Sandy,

I did find all of your responses and I can't put into words how much they mean to me. I can't take credit for anything because I know that you know, it's all Jesus. But still, I'm so beyond happy that my words have helped you in some way, and made this much of a difference!

I would love to discuss more with you about what you have experienced,and still are, if that is something you are comfortable with. There is no pressure whatsoever, but I just want you to know that you're not alone in this. I would have emailed you but I'm not sure that I have an email address for you. Please feel free to email me anytime at bransonfarms@gmail.com. Also, I would consider it an honor to speak on the phone sometime and even pray together, if that's something you feel you would like. Again, there is no pressure at all and I would never take it personally if you said no. One of my favorite things is getting to know my Tipping Point Family and church family more!

Thank you so much for trying so hard to reach me! I'm so sorry that it has taken me this long to respond. I'm usually not away from TP for this long!

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Apr 8·edited Apr 14Author

Aww, Sandy, I love this! I'm so sorry it has taken me awhile to respond. I've been out of pocket but I promise that I will go in and read every comment you left me once I get home. I can't wait to read them and respond!

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Mar 15Liked by Steve Branson

Thank you, Steve, for these wonderful resources! I am diving into the deep waters to learn as much as I can about the end times. God bless you as you continue to be an encourager to the TP family and share your knowledge with us.

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Thank you so much, Miss Shari! I try, and hearing things like your message here really encourages me! 🤗

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Mar 8Liked by Steve Branson

Thank u Steve! This helps❣️

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Thank you Miss Cherre! I love doing it to help mys3lf and others in my small groups learn, but it really feels good to hear that it helps others, and you! You made my day! 😁

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I would love to print this on XTRALARGE cardstock!

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Haha, me too! Thank you for the encouragement Chris!

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If I encourage just 1 outta the entire gang I'm eternally grateful bro! You're a good brother!

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Well check that off of your list...mission accomplished! Thank you brother ;)

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Steve Branson

OMGoodness Steve!!! Thanks so much for this resource .. it must have taken hours and hours to compile. You are such a blessing to us 💖🙌

I have just watched Jimmy's show with Bill Salus .. wow, my mind is boggling with so much to take in. Very exciting times. God Bless Steve, and thanks again xx

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Thank you Irene! I started the project for myself but then it turned into others asking for it too, which blessed me way more! So thank you!

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God bless u, Steve❣️. Still praying for continued recovery from your injuries. Little by little, one step at a time❣️

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Steve, JD Farag, shared a great Bible prophecy update today. In it, he shared a chart on the Jewish feasts and fulfillment. As you know we are waiting on the Rapture to be fulfilled, and like Pastor Jimmy, JD believes it makes perfect sense it’s fulfilled on the Feast of Trumpets.

I didn’t look close at all the charts you have, but maybe if you don’t have one like JD presents in his message, you can add it?

Hope you had a blessed weekend. Art.


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